How to Vote

Thank you for choosing to vote in the election on November 8th ! Your vote helps determine the values and policies of our government.

Step #1: Make sure you are registered to vote using the button below. Online registration for the November 8th election is closed, but don’t worry! You can still register when you vote on Election Day. Just make sure to bring the appropriate documents with you to verify your identity.

Step #2: Find your polling place.

You can vote on Election Day from 7am to 8pm at your polling place . As long as you are in line by 8pm, you will be allowed to vote. Confirm your polling place using the button below.

Please know that you have the right to take paid time off of work to vote. for more information, visit the Minnesota Secretary of State’s website.

Need ride to the polls? We can help! Email Team Irene at or text us (774)364-0245 and we can arrange for a volunteer to pick you up free of charge.